Cryptography and the RSA Cryptosystem

Published June 03, 2021


There are two goals of this essay:

  1. Communicate the RSA cryptosystem at a level accessible to any software engineer, security professional, or undergraduate math/cs student.
  2. Be self-contained. Every assertion, mathematical or otherwise, is either proven within the essay itself or is taken to be trivial. In some special cases, I have linked to external sources; however, this will likely change in the future.

Fun fact: Ron Rivest (the "R" in RSA) has actually read this blog post, and he approves! 😎 Thanks, Ron!

I have yet to find online educational materials on RSA that accomplish both of these goals simultaneously. For software engineers and security professionals especially, I believe it is empowering to trace RSA from it's implementation down to the underlying mathematics. It's one thing to trust smart people to have made a robust cryposystem; it's another to verify it's robustness for yourself!

We'll start with basic modular arithmetic, then create a small library of useful tools, and eventually build up to a fully functional python program that mimics the RSA public/private key generation capabilities of utilities like GNU's openssl and gpg.

Intro to RSA

RSA is an asymmetric cryptosystem, which offers some key benefits over a symmetric cryptosystem like Diffie-Hellman. Perhaps the most notable advantage is that distinct secret keys need not be generated for every new recipient of your cryptographic messages. RSA essentially has you create a single "lock" (with one associated key) with which others can encrypt their message to you. Luckily, the concepts here are a superset of the concepts in Diffie-Hellman, so if you understand RSA, you get Diffie-Hellman for free.

At its very core, the cryptosystem is thus:

With message m<Nm \lt N, public exponent ee (typically 65537), private key dd, and N=pqN = p \cdot q, where pp and qq are large primes, messages are encrypted and decrypted via the following protocol.

  1. The encrypted message cc is obtained via c=me(modN)c = m^{e} \pmod{N}.
  2. The private key d=(kϕ(N)+1)/ed = (k \cdot \phi(N)+1)/e is generated by choosing kk such that ed1(modϕ(N))ed \equiv 1 \pmod{\phi(N)}.
  3. The public key is the combination of NN and ee. (In actual implementations of RSA, the public key may contain other numbers that speed up decryption; i.e. precomputation during key generation removes some computational burden at the time of decryption. This is not strictly neccessary, however, and we do not include this step in our implementation).

The message is decrypted by raising the encrypted message to the power of dd, since

m(kϕ(N)+1)m(modN)(1) m^{(k \cdot \phi (N)+1)} \equiv m \pmod{N} \tag{1}

We'll prove that this holds mathematically, and then find a way to generate large primes to implement our own version of RSA.


We want to show that message == decrypt(encrypt(message)); that is, mcd(modN)m \equiv c^{d} \pmod{N}. By definition, cme(modN)c \equiv m^{e} \pmod{N}, so

cdmed(modN) c^{d} \equiv m^{ed} \pmod{N}

We also chose kk such that ed1(modϕ(N))ed \equiv 1 \pmod{\phi(N)}, so

ed1=kϕ(N)(2) ed - 1 = k \cdot \phi(N) \tag{2}


cdm1+kϕ(N)(modN) c^{d} \equiv m^{1 + k \cdot \phi(N)} \pmod{N}
cdm(mϕ(N))k(modN) c^{d} \equiv m(m^{\phi(N)})^{k} \pmod{N}

There are two cases we need to prove.

  • Case 1: gcd(m,N)=1gcd(m,N) = 1
  • Case 2: gcd(m,N)1gcd(m,N) \ne 1

Case 1

Case 1 follows directly from Euler's formula, which states that mϕ(N)1(modN)m^{\phi(N)} \equiv 1 \pmod{N}.

Case 2

Case 2 is more involved, which is ironic considering that the only time we'd face it is in the case that mm is exactly pp or qq. Since mm is taken to be strictly less than NN, if gcd(m,pq)1gcd(m, p \cdot q) \ne 1, then gcd(m,pq)=pgcd(m, p \cdot q) = p or qq. We'll prove this case for pp, and by symmetry it will be proven for qq. First, we claim that medm(modp)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{p}, and then we claim medm(modq)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{q}.

Claim 1:

m0(modp) m \equiv 0 \pmod{p}
med0ed(modp) m^{ed} \equiv 0^{ed} \pmod{p}

so medm(modp)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{p} by modular transitivity.

Claim 2:

Since gcd(m,pq)=pgcd(m,p \cdot q) = p, gcd(m,q)=1gcd(m,q) = 1. Therefore, Euler's theorem tells us that

mϕ(q)1(modq) m^{\phi(q)} \equiv 1 \pmod{q}
mq11(modq) m^{q-1} \equiv 1 \pmod{q}

From (2),

medm1+kϕ(N)(modq) m^{ed} \equiv m^{1+k \cdot \phi(N)} \pmod{q}
medm(m(q1))k(p1)(modq) m^{ed} \equiv m(m^{(q-1)})^{k(p-1)} \pmod{q}

So, medm(modq)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{q} , since mq11(modq)m^{q-1} \equiv 1 \pmod{q}

Finally, we turn to the Constant-Case Chinese Remainder Theorem, which states that given coprime pp and qq,

p,qxa    pqxa p,q \mid x - a \iff pq \mid x - a

Fortunately, the Constant-Case Chinese Remainder Theorem can be proven in 1 line (below proof is the forward direction; the reverse direction is trivial). Following from Euclid's Lemma,

pnq=xa    pn    pqnq=xa p \mid nq = x - a \implies p \mid n \implies pq \mid nq = x - a

So, since medm(modp)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{p} and medm(modq)m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{q} (claim 1 and 2),

medm(modpq)(3) m^{ed} \equiv m \pmod{p \cdot q} \tag{3}

Pivoting to Python

One of the tools we'll neeed to implement this cryptosystem is a fast method for computing modular exponentiation with very large numbers. Luckily, python handles large numbers natively, and provides a little-known 3rd argument option to the builtin pow() function which is the modulo. Still, I wrote my own function to do this, which I rather like. I won't step through the code in this essay, but it can be rather rewarding to reverse engineer the math buried therein.

def large_mod(a, x, p):
    pwr2 = {1:a%p}
    total = 1 if not 1 & x else pwr2[1]
    i = 2
    while i <= x:
        pwr2[i] = pow(pwr2[i>>1],2) % p
        if i & x:
            total = (total * pwr2[i]) % p
        i <<= 1
    return total % p

To start, we create some helper functions such as the one below to help print out large numbers. (I've chosen to use ascii escape sequences for a colored output).

def bign_print(x, name):
    spaces = " " * (18 - len(name))
    print(f"{name}:{spaces}{acol.YEL}" + str(x)[:18] + f"...{acol.END} ({len(str(x))} digits)")

Next, we'll write the function for generating a public + private key pair. I've chosen to write them out to files here, using PEM style header and footer lines, "--- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ---". We could choose any number of encodings for the keys; here I simply convert their base 10 representations into utf-8 strings separated by a "." in the case of the public key. The PEM format base64 encodes the numbers.

def gen_keys():

    # public key
    p, q = gen_large_primes(min_bitlen=1024)
    n = p * q
    phin = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    e = 65537
    if (math.gcd(e, phin) != 1):
        raise Exception("e and phi(n) are not coprime")
    with open("./publickey.pem", "w") as f:
        f.write("--- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ---\n")
        f.write(str(e) + "." + str(n))
        f.write("\n--- END PUBLIC KEY ---\n")

    # private key
    for k in range(1, e):
        d = (k * phin + 1) // e
        if (d * e) % phin == 1:
        raise Exception("Could not find k s.t. e*d ≡ 1 (mod phi(n))")
    with open("./privatekey.pem", "w") as f:
        f.write("--- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ---\n")
        f.write("\n--- END PRIVATE KEY ---\n")

Thanks to the mathematics we've already proven, encryption and decryption are trivial. Here, I read the secret message from a file.

def encrypt_message(e,n):
    with open("./msg.txt", "r") as f:
        msg =
    msg_encoded = int(msg.encode("utf-8").hex(), 16)
    # c is the encrypted message
    c = pow(msg_encoded,e,n)
    with open("./msg.asc", "w") as f:
        f.write("--- BEGIN MESSAGE ---\n")
        f.write("\n--- END MESSAGE ---\n")

def decrypt_message(d,n):
    with open("./msg.asc", "r") as f:
        c ="--- BEGIN MESSAGE ---","") \
                    .replace("--- END MESSAGE ---","") \
                    .replace("\n", "")
    msg_encoded = hex(pow(int(c),d,n))
    msg = bytes.fromhex(msg_encoded[2:]).decode("utf-8")
    with open("./msg_decrypted.txt", "w") as f:

You may have noticed that there is still one piece of the puzzle missing, which is the mysterious gen_large_primes() function. All it needs to do is generate some large prime numbers (preferrably > 1024 bits in length); however, deterministic primality tests are slow, especially for numbers at the scale we're using. Luckily, the Rabin-Miller test can get us probablistically very close, and fast. Ironically, the integrity of RSA depends entirely on the computational difficulty of factoring large numbers, but the Rabin-Miller test takes a different approach.

Below is my implementation, pulled from the pseudocode on this wikipedia page.

def rabin_miller(n, s):
    # n is an odd number greater than 3
    # i.e. n - 1 = d * 2^r with d odd
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return True
    r, d = 0, n - 1
    while d % 2 == 0:
        r += 1
        d //= 2
    for _ in range(s):
        a = random.randint(2, n - 2)
        x = pow(a, d, n)
        if x == 1 or x == n - 1:
        for _ in range(r - 1):
            x = pow(x, 2, n)
            if x == n - 1:
            return False
    return True

In this algorithm, we are aiming to prove the primalty of nn using security parameter ss (the number of rounds to perform the test). According to this Stack Overflow post, the optimal value for ss is 40. Choosing values greater than 40 would achieve greater certainty than is possible for computers due to naturally occurring computation errors.

The test hinges on the following theorem:

Put n1=2rdn - 1 = 2^{r} \cdot d, with dd odd. If ad≢1(modn)a^{d} \not\equiv 1 \pmod{n} and a2jd≢1(modn)a^{2^{j} \cdot d} \not\equiv -1 \pmod{n} for all i=0,1,2,r1i = 0, 1, 2, \ldots r - 1, for some a:naa : n \nmid a, then nn is composite.

We can prove the contrapositive relatively easily.


Let pp be an odd prime, and have p1=2rdp - 1 =2^{r} \cdot d, with dd odd. Consider the set

ad,a2d,a22d,,a2rd(modp) a^{d}, a^{2d}, a^{2^{2}d}, \ldots, a^{2^{r} \cdot d} \pmod{p}

with pap \nmid a. The last term is 11, since 2rd=p12^{r} \cdot d = p - 1, and Fermat's Little theorem states that ap11(modp)a^{p-1} \equiv 1 \pmod{p}. Since each term in the series is the square of the previous term, we must consider 2 cases: ad=1a^{d} = 1 and ad1a^{d} \ne 1.

Case 1

If ad=1a^{d} = 1, then all terms are 11, and we are done, since ad≢1(modp)a^{d} \not\equiv 1 \pmod{p}.

Case 2

If ad1a^d \ne 1, then at least some term in the series is not congruent to 1(modp)1 \pmod{p}. Let's look at the solutions to the equation

x21(modp) x^{2} \equiv 1 \pmod{p}

There are two solutions: x=1(modp)x = 1 \pmod{p} and x=1(modp)x = -1 \pmod{p}. This means that if there is a member of the list not congruent to 11, 1-1 has to show up somewhere, since no other number will square to be 1(modp)1 \pmod{p}. This completes the proof.

Now we can write our gen_large_primes() function.

def gen_large_primes(min_bitlen):
    p = random.getrandbits(random.randint(min_bitlen, min_bitlen*2))
    q = random.getrandbits(random.randint(min_bitlen, min_bitlen*2))
    p = p + 1 if p % 2 == 0 else p
    q = q + 1 if q % 2 == 0 else q
    while not rabin_miller(p, 40):
        p = p + 2
    while not rabin_miller(q, 40):
        q = q + 2

And we're done! You can find this code along with an "Interactive Mode" that steps through the algorithm on my github page.

TODO: The following proofs are missing from this essay but should be added to make it truly self-contained

  • Euler's Theorem
  • Modular Transitivity
  • Euclid's Lemma
  • Rabin-Miller Primality Test false positive rate
  • Optimal Security Parameter for R-M

Note: this essay is still a work in progress. Have any feedback? Feel free to email me at

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